You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.8. Sales - Standing Orders > Standing Orders - Print Standing Orders > Automatic Standing Order Allocation - Creating a New Batch
Automatic Standing Order Allocation - Creating a New Batch

Use this procedure to create a new batch of standing orders to be processed.

To create a new batch of standing orders:

  1. Display the Automatic Standing Order Allocation screen.

Refer to "Standing Orders - Print Standing Orders".

  1. In the Description field, enter a description for your batch and press the Enter or Tab key.

Micronet displays the Automatic Standing Order Allocation Header screen.


Technical Tip

Alternatively, you can select EDIT | HEADER to display this screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:






Micronet displays the batch description you entered.


Update Run with Process Dates

Select Yes if you want Micronet to update the Run Code Next Due Date when this batch is processed, or select No if you don't want the due date updated.


Run Code to Process

Enter or select the run code to be processed in this batch.



Micronet displays the frequency associated with the run code you selected.


Enter Starting / Ending Due Date

Optionally, enter or select a starting date and an ending date for the standing orders you want included in this batch. Any standing order with the selected run code and within this date range will be processed in this batch.


What to allocate

Select how orders in the batch are to be processed. Options are:

  • Allocate when Stock is Available - Micronet only processes sales lines if the stock is available
  • Process All - Micronet processes all sales lines, even those where stock is unavailable (this allows newly available stock to be picked even though it has not yet been entered into Micronet)
  • Generate Backorders - Micronet processes all lines and creates backorders where applicable.


Allocate to Held Customer

Select No if you only want Micronet to process standing orders for customers who are not on hold. Select Yes if you want Micronet to process standing orders for all customers, including those with an On Hold flag.


Consider Header Dates

Select Yes if you want Micronet to take into account the standing order start and end dates set on the Standing Order Header screen, or select No if you don't.



Select how freight is to be calculated for the standing orders in the batch. Options are:

  • Flat Freight Amount - select this if you want to enter a single flat rate dollar amount
  • Ask For Each Invoice - select this if you want Micronet to stop for each order so a flat rate can be entered
  • Use Freight Table - select this if you want Micronet to use freight tables assigned to customers
  • Order Freight - select this if you want Micronet to use freight stored in a standing order file.


Enter Starting / Ending Customer Number

If you want to limit processing of standing orders to a particular customer range, enter the starting and ending customer numbers.


Enter Starting Order Number

If you want to limit processing of standing orders to a particular order range, enter the starting and ending order numbers.


Enter Warehouse

If you want to limit the stock selected to a particular warehouse only, enter the warehouse number.


Enter Payment Date

Enter or select the date by which payment for this standing order is due.


Enter Text to be Added

Micronet allows you to add a line of text to each slip or invoice. Enter any text required, e.g. you might enter "March 2011" for standing orders for that month.

  1. Optionally, if you want to save the changes you have made to the batch header without actually processing the batch, select PROCEED or press F2.

Micronet redisplays the Automatic Standing Order Allocation screen.

  1. Alternatively, if you want to process the standing order batch, select CREATE.

Micronet redisplays the Automatic Standing Order Allocation screen with a list of all the items and debtors included in the standing order batch.

  1. Optionally, double click on an item, or select an item and press Enter, to view or edit the item details.

Micronet displays the Standing Order Allocation screen.

  1. If required, you can change the  Allocated quantity.
  2. When you have finished, select the Accept button.

Micronet redisplays the Automatic Standing Order Allocation screen.

  1. Before you print or post the invoices or picking slips for the standing orders, you should print the Standard Order Allocation Report and check that the batch details are correct.

Refer to "Automatic Standing Order Allocation - File - Report".

  1. Optionally, you can process the batch in any of the following ways: